World Autism Acceptance week - reflection

World Autism Acceptance week 2023 draws to a close today.

Its been a time for me personally to reflect on highly emotional situations in my own life and the need to treat everyone with autism as individuals with unique needs. Quite often in the media people with autism are characterised in a stereotypical ‘high functioning’ and ‘querky’ way …however very many people with autism have very complex, high care needs and will be unable to live independent lives.

What is universally important to everyone is the need for carers and personal assistants who are not only professional, but have that unique loving quality that enables them to connect to the person they are supporting and form lasting and joyful relationships with them.

As many people with autism of all ages are often quite isolated from others for many reasons, the relationships they have with their carers are hugely important to them. Sadly care systems rarely recognise just how important these relationships are, nor reward carers appropriately for them.

Bringing JOY and HAPPINESS should be at the heart of our approach to support people with autism.


Treat yourself to a little calm & joy


Uplifting !! New study of young people and yoga